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11 May 2024 - University Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) Gambang campus came alive with vibrant colours and rich cultural experiences as the Mandarin Language Society (MLS) organised the much-anticipated "Year of the Dragon" Fair. This event, a collaboration with international students from China, aimed to celebrate Chinese culture and foster intercultural understanding among students from diverse backgrounds.

From 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., attendees had the opportunity to explore 12 different booths, each offering a unique glimpse into various aspects of Chinese culture including The Art of Chinese Tea, Chinese Traditional Clothes, Chinese Knot, Peking Opera, Calligraphy, Dumplings, Tanghulu, Lion Dance, and Paper Cutting. There was something for everyone to enjoy and learn about Chinese culture. A total of 300 students have participated in this programme, both international and local students, from various races and cultures.

The programme has achieved the programme objectives of culturalising the Mandarin language and improving the community integrity in the campus. Additionally, the second objective, which aimed at reducing the financial burden of the university by earning money and increasing the club’s overall income, was achieved too. MLS club advisors, Madam Kang Mei Feng and Miss Lee Cheng May, both Mandarin teachers from the Centre for Modern Languages (CML), attended the programme along with local and international students. Significant support was gained from every attendee. Participation in prepared booth activities, such as selecting one's own "Hanfu" outfit, practicing Chinese calligraphy, and engaging in mini-games like Pitch Pot, enabled participants to enrich their understanding of Chinese cultural background and customs in an enjoyable manner. Moreover, it is evident that programs like this promote cultural exchanges and foster bonds between races and nations, especially with the support and assistance from a group of international students from China.

Most of the participants were satisfied with this programme as it was an intriguing experience for them, being able to immerse themselves in Chinese culture. In short, the programme ran smoothly, thanks to the cooperation among all parties involved in organising it behind the scenes, to whom we are highly grateful for achieving this success. The success of this program was attributed to the enormously supportive students involved, whose encouragement and positive feedback further enlivened the events. It is hoped that more programs like this can be held in the future to introduce Chinese culture to other UMPSA students.
Prepared by: Kang Mei Feng

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