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The Malaysian University English Test (MUET) Session 1, 2024 for both the Written Test and Speaking Test has recently ended. To recap, extensive preparations and procedures were undertaken beforehand to ensure the smooth execution and effectiveness of the tests. The Competency Unit, Centre for Modern Languages, UMPSA, took several measures to ensure the successful conduct of both the Written and Speaking Tests.

For the tests at UMPSA Gambang campus, the Written Test was held at Astaka Gambang, while the Speaking Test took place in the UMPSA library. Meanwhile, in Pekan, the Written Test was conducted at Dewan Serbaguna, and the Speaking test was at Akademi Pengurusan Adab (Adab). The Competency Unit Coordinator, Ms. Noraisah Nurul Fatwa Mohd Razali, expressed her gratitude to all the staffs, stating, "Thank youfor your commitment in ensuring the exam was conducted smoothly and on schedule without any issues." She highlighted that many departments were involved in the preparations and provision of spaces for MUET.

Digital Technology Department (DiTec) assisted with the audio-visual systems for the written exams, specifically, the Listening component. The staff members responsible were Mr. Mohd Yusran bin Mohamed from the Gambang campus and Mr. Tuan Mohd Haffiz bin Tuan Ahmad from the Pekan campus. In addition, The Security Department provided directions to the invigilators and the candidates, and the janitorial team assisted with the cleaning tasks to ensure cleanliness at the test centre. Last but not least, the Centre for Property Management and Development helped with the arrangement and storage of the furniture needed such as tables and chair.

DiTec staff, Encik Mohd Yusran bin Mohamed in Gambang and En. Tuan Mohd Haffiz bin Tuan Ahmad in Pekan, were on standby on the day of the test to address any issues that might arise. The day before the actual test, staff members inspected the venues to ensure that all chairs, tables, equipment, projectors, and other necessities were in good condition and met the requirements set by the MPM. Chief invigilators, along with invigilators appointed by the MPM, inspected the venue ahead of the test day. Representatives from the Competency Unit were also present to offer assistance if needed. Audio testing was conducted multiple times by DiTec staff to ensure smooth operation, particularly during the listening test and when invigilators needed to use microphones.

In summary, we express our appreciation to everyone involved for their excellent cooperation in preparing the venues, ensuring the success of the MUET examinations held at UMPSA. Providing a comfortable and distraction-free environment for the candidates, most of whom are UMPSA students, was crucial for their best performance during the test. The dedication and contributions of those involved have significantly contributed to the success of UMPSA as one of the MUET Centres.

Prepared by: Siti Ainun Jariyah bt Hassan, Nurul Syazwani binti Aziz & Noraisah Nurul Fatwa binti Mohd Razali


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