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PEKAN, 23 April 2024 – To foster the publication of high-quality news and feature stories, the Documentation and Social Media Unit of the Centre for Modern Languages (CML) organised a one-day workshop on news and feature writing for its associates. The event featured two seasoned UMPSA writers: Mimi Rabita Abd Wahit, Director of the Corporate Communication Centre, Chancellery Department, and Dr. Hasnah Hussiin, a senior lecturer at the Centre for Human Sciences. They shared their valuable insights and expertise with the participants.

The primary goal of the workshop was to equip participants with effective strategies and techniques for writing compelling news as well as feature stories. Approximately 30 CML associates attended the workshop.
The morning session commenced at 10:00 a.m. with a presentation by Mimi Rabita Abd Wahit, who focused on news writing strategies and techniques. As an experienced writer and editor with numerous publications on UMPSA platforms such as UMPSA News, UMP Create, and Pekan Review, as well as in mainstream newspapers like Berita Harian, she provided practical tips that participants could immediately apply to their writing. “Our news writing goes beyond merely reporting events or programmes; it plays a crucial role in strengthening UMPSA’s brand,” she emphasised, highlighting the importance of staff proactively documenting and publishing stories about their activities.

Furthermore, the afternoon session which began at 2:00 p.m. was led by Dr. Hasnah Hussiin, who focused on strategies and techniques for feature writing. Dr. Hasnah was the first-place winner of the ‘Best Feature Writing Award’ in the politics, social sciences, and humanities category at the UMPSA Quality and Innovation Day 2023. “Write about what you are passionate about and knowledgeable in,” she advised. “As an academic, you have the advantage of sharing informed opinions on issues related to your field of expertise.”

The workshop concluded at 4:30 p.m., with participants expressing high satisfaction with the sessions. Some even completed drafts of news and were ready for publication on the CML portal and UMPSA News by the end of the day. The workshop was widely regarded as insightful and productive, inspiring CML associates to continue producing compelling news and feature stories in the future.

Prepared by: Nurul Nadia Muhammad & Rosnani Ismail

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