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Sharing is indeed caring

On 24 March 2021, a video editing class was successfully arranged for Kelas Al-Qur’an dan Fardhu Ain (KAFA) teachers at the Islamic and Human Development Centre, UMP. The class focused on the introduction to Kinemaster application to be utilised by the KAFA instructors to assist them in producing more comprehensive teaching and learning materials. Other than that, the instructors were also familiarised with chroma-key editing involving video production technique compositing procedures and effective ways to create high quality videos.

This engaging session was conducted by Madam Rosjuliana Hidayu, a senior language teacher from the Department of Foreign Languages who was assisted by Madam Hanisah, a member of Community Service from the Department of English Languages at the Centre for Modern Languages. Also, the two-hour class functioned as a platform for the KAFA teachers to produce their trial videos.

Lastly, it is hoped that more wide-ranging sharing sessions could be organised for UMP associates who are in need of the technological aid in their area of expertise especially during this pandemic.

Prepared by,
Nur Syafawati Sabuan, Rosjuliana Hidayu Rosli and Hanisah Bon (Kasbon)

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