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Centre for Modern Languages Technical Staffs Gotong Royong

A gotong royong by Technical Staffs of Centre for Modern Languages was held on 30th March 2021 to replace the broken chairs and furniture in the lecture rooms and lecture halls. These chairs then moved to the store room for the next process to be disposed by the Department of Property Management and Development UMP.

This gotong-royong is a continuation that has been done in 2020. This activity is one of the initial steps and preparations to provide comfort to all UMP students once they return to campus for face-to-face learning session later. Millions of thanks are extended to all the technical staffs involved. “Doing good to others is not a duty. It is a joy, for it increases your own health and happiness.”— Zoroaster

Prepared by: Jamilah Bebe Binti Mohamad & Fathiah Izzati Binti Mohamad Fadzillah

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