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ULE2332 ENGLISH FOR TECHNICAL COMMUNICATIONPrerequisite Subject ULE1322 ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC COMMUNICATION ULE1322 ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC COMMUNICATION Synopsis The course is designed for technical communication relevant to academic and professional purposes. It provides opportunities for students to learn and employ language skills and strategies appropriate to written and spoken technical communication for technical and non-technical audiences. Students will be able to listen to, evaluate, organise, present and write technical information. The contents of this course consist of technical descriptions, technical processes and procedures feasibility and recommendation reports. Additionally, students will collaborate in teams while performing activities assigned to them. Students are encouraged to benefit in language learning when they engage in self-access activities. The course is defined within the CEFR high B2 to low C1 level. The course is designed for technical communication relevant to academic and professional purposes. It provides opportunities for students to learn and employ language skills and strategies appropriate to written and spoken technical communication for technical and non-technical audiences. Students will be able to listen to, evaluate, organise, present and write technical information. The contents of this course consist of technical descriptions, technical processes and procedures feasibility and recommendation reports. Additionally, students will collaborate in teams while performing activities assigned to them. Students are encouraged to benefit in language learning when they engage in self-access activities. The course is defined within the CEFR high B2 to low C1 level. Course outcomes By the end of the semester, students should be able to: CLO1: to produce a technical product presentation using appropriate skills and strategies CLO2: to analyse Standard Operating Procedure texts in determining relevant information CLO3: to produce a recommendation report using appropriate skills and strategies By the end of the semester, students should be able to: CLO1: to produce a technical product presentation using appropriate skills and strategies CLO2: to analyse Standard Operating Procedure texts in determining relevant information CLO3: to produce a recommendation report using appropriate skills and strategies References Bridgeford, T. (2018). Teaching professional & technical communication: A practicum in a book (1st ed.). Utah State University Press. Gerald, J. A., Walter, E. O., & Charles, T. B. (2020). Handbook of technical writing with 2020 APA update (12th ed.). Bedford/St. Martin’s. Ghetto, G., Jack, T. L., & Ruszkiewicz, S. (2019). Content strategy in technical communication (1st ed.). Routledge Press. Tebeaux, E., & Dragga, S. (2017). The essentials of technical communication (4th ed.). Oxford University Press. Walter, E. O., Charles, T. B. & Gerald, J. A. (2020). Writing that works: Communicating effectively on the job with 2020 APA update (13th ed.). Bedford/St. Martin’s. Bridgeford, T. (2018). Teaching professional & technical communication: A practicum in a book (1st ed.). Utah State University Press. Gerald, J. A., Walter, E. O., & Charles, T. B. (2020). Handbook of technical writing with 2020 APA update (12th ed.). Bedford/St. Martin’s. Ghetto, G., Jack, T. L., & Ruszkiewicz, S. (2019). Content strategy in technical communication (1st ed.). Routledge Press. Tebeaux, E., & Dragga, S. (2017). The essentials of technical communication (4th ed.). Oxford University Press. Walter, E. O., Charles, T. B. & Gerald, J. A. (2020). Writing that works: Communicating effectively on the job with 2020 APA update (13th ed.). Bedford/St. Martin’s. Coordinator