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The session on A Beginner’s Guide to Journal Writing using IMRaD Technique

The session on A Beginner’s Guide to Journal Writing using IMRaD Technique

The session on A Beginner’s Guide to Journal Writing using IMRaD Technique was shared by Associate Professor Dr Zuraina Ali, a lecturer from Department of English. It was a 45 minute session conducted on Google Meet, 14 May 2020 that began at 10:00 a.m. The session was part of the initiatives from MScTILS team of CML to promote our postgraduate programme by coursework.

At the beginning of the session, Associate Professor Dr Noor Raha Mohd Radzuan, as the moderator of the session as well as the Head of Postgraduate Studies of CML, briefed the participants about MScTILS programme and that includes the teaching and learning of the programme, the fees and the specific requirements for the programme. Then, the speaker, Dr Zuraina Ali started her session with getting to know the participants and later continued by sharing her knowledge and experience in writing article journals. The session was attended by more than 25 participants, both from UMP and public. It was a successful event and it is hoped that the participants will benefit from the session and be more motivated to publish article journals.

Prepared by: Associate Professor Dr. Noor Raha Mohd Radzuan, Centre for Modern Languages, UMP