Qualitative Research Interviews: CML Speaker Series #3

Qualitative Research Interviews: CML Speaker Series #3

24 Dec 2020 – Want to know more about MscTILS? Want to know more about Qualitative Research interviews? Who better to talk about both these topics than Assoc Prof Dr Noor Raha Mohd Radzuan, who is the Head of Programme (Postgraduate Studies) at the Centre for Modern Languages, UMP. Her research interests include second language oral communication, English for Specific Purposes and English for Early Childhood Education.

Her talk on qualitative research interviews began at 2:30 p.m. and ended at about 3:50 p.m. due to a lively discussion on some interview questions shared by a PhD candidate in the audience. The talk not only clued the audience in on what qualitative research interviews entail, it also managed to give the audience an insight to the process, as interviews stem from one’s research question(s).

Qualitative research interviews are also known as intensive or in-depth interviews and are conducted based on one’s research questions with the particular focus on finding out interviewees’ experiences. The questions formed are usually semi-structured because even if they are not written on paper, researchers normally have formed the questions in their heads to focus on a particular topic for the interviewees to answer. Of course, for the data to be reliable, the same questions have to be asked of each interviewee even though they may not be asked in the exact same way or order. Researchers should avoid asking leading questions, and as such, qualitative research interview questions are open-ended questions that are general.

To learn more, sign up for MScTILS or sign up to do a postgraduate study by research, either for a Master’s degree or PhD. MScTILs refers to Master of Science in Technology Integrated Language Studies. It is a taught Master's programme that caters to fresh graduates and professionals, especially TESL/Linguistics/Language Studies degree holders. Graduates of this programme will indeed have a competitive edge in pursuing their occupational endeavours as they will be equipped with advanced knowledge and skills in the field of language studies. Coping with blended learning and flipped classrooms using web-based tools would be a cinch!

By Wan Jumani Fauzi

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