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The Centre for Modern Languages (CML) Community Service Unit, stepped up its commitment through the initiation of Present Pro! programme, held on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

A total of 81 Form 3 students from SMK Dato' Mahmud Mat in Pekan, Pahang actively participated in this programme, designed to promote active engagement with the community, encourage positive social change, and address community needs.

Throughout the programme, the students were also accompanied by 3 experienced senior English teachers from their school who provided constant continuous support, and guidance.

To join the activities, the students were divided into 4 groups, each led by 2 to 3 CML English language instructors. These instructors facilitated various activities, providing students with the opportunities to use English effectively and confidently in their daily interactions.

This aligns with the current globalized context, where mastering the English language will open opportunities, especially for students, to be more successful in their studies and future endeavours.

The programme began at the CML Lecture Hall with a welcoming speech from Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hafizoah Kassim, the CML Deputy Dean (Research & Postgraduate Studies), who also officiated the programme.

In her speech, she emphasized on the importance of community engagement, English language skills and collaborative efforts among educational institutions.

Following the opening ceremony, the students were allocated to four CML state-of-the-art language laboratories, where the activities took place. After the language activities, students were tasked with delivering presentations or engaging in performances.

“Apart from enhancing confidence in using the English language, the programme was also organised with the intention to foster a sense of vitality and enthusiasm in the students, as well as a culture of cooperation and group effort among the participants”, expressed Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noor Raha Mohd Radzuan, the Director of Present Pro! programme. She further continued that those characteristics are crucial in individuals' personal and professional development, providing students with skills beyond the classroom.

All in all, the Present Pro! initiative was met with enthusiasm, and appreciation from both students and facilitators. Ideally, this event has served its educational objectives of developing young talents, and demonstrated its commitment to giving back to the community and nurturing future leaders.

Prepared by: Nabila Abdul Malek and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noor Raha Mohd Radzuan