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Gambang, 29 May 2024 - "One learns from books and examples only that certain things can be done. Actual learning requires that you do those things" — Frank Herbert.

This quote served as a guiding principle during a recent collaboration with Kobe University, Japan, in a session titled 'Mastering Paraphrasing Techniques and Strategies.' Leading this session was Mr. Nicholas Musty, an English lecturer specialising in Writing from the Faculty of Global Communication at Kobe University. The session underscored the importance of practical application in achieving true learning, echoing Herbert's belief that learning is absorbed through active practice rather than passive observation.

The primary objective of the session was to equip students, especially those enrolled in UHL2412 English for Academic Communication, with an excellent understanding of paraphrasing skills. These skills are essential for their final assessment in writing argumentative essays, where they are required to paraphrase while citing sources. Nearly 300 students eagerly participated in the session, and the atmosphere was described as positively festive throughout.

Kicking off the session, Mr. Nicholas Musty emphasised the importance of paraphrasing and its role in academic writing to avoid plagiarism. He explained that effective paraphrasing not only showcases a student’s understanding but also demonstrates respect for the original work. The session continued with a comprehensive exploration of nine different paraphrasing techniques and associated strategies. As the session progressed to the practical part, students enthusiastically participated, flooding the chat box with insightful answers and questions. Mr. Nicholas Musty provided feedback on nearly all responses, fostering an interactive learning environment. The practical exercises conducted during the session allowed students to apply the techniques in real-time, thereby enhancing their grasp of the concepts.

Finally, the session wrapped up with a lively Q&A session. Students posed various questions, such as seeking advice on how to choose the best paraphrasing techniques and how to improve their skills further. Mr. Nicholas Musty advised students that practice makes perfect and encouraged them to consult their lecturers for additional guidance. Moreover, feedback from students indicated a high level of satisfaction with the session. Many expressed that they had gained a better understanding of paraphrasing techniques and felt more confident about applying them in their assignments. They appreciated Mr. Nicholas Musty's clear explanations and thorough approach to each technique and strategy.

In an interview following his recent Global Classroom session at UMPSA, Mr. Nicholas Musty commended the efficient organisation of over 250 students for an evening lecture, highlighting their punctuality and high attendance. Despite the challenge of engaging such a large audience, he noted that many participants responded promptly and appropriately to activities, allowing him to conduct the presentation smoothly and provide valuable feedback. He appreciated the efforts made to accommodate his schedule despite limited planning time and successfully prepared his materials. He suggested that future speakers be given the opportunity to preview the course syllabus in advance to better tailor their presentations. He concluded by expressing gratitude for the respectful and warm treatment he received and his eagerness to collaborate with UMPSA again.

All in all, the session was a great success, leaving students eagerly anticipating similar future sessions. The session equipped students with practical skills and inspired them to approach academic writing with confidence. As the students prepare for their final assessments, they are now better equipped to tackle the challenges of paraphrasing in academic writing.

Nur Anisnabila Dianah & Noor Azlinda Zainal Abidin

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