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First Webinar on Language Learning & Teaching – WeLLT 2020

In addressing the present issue in language learning and teaching in the era Covid-19, the Centre for Modern Languages, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) in collaboration with Universitas Ahmad Dahlan hosted a Webinar on Language Learning and Teaching (WeLLT) 2020 on 28 October 2020. This virtual session was organized in conjunction with International on Language Learning and Teaching (ICoLLT) that will be held in 2021.

The live webinar session brought together academics and students from various countries to learn from four leading experts in the areas of online learning. The speakers discussed on wide range of issues pertaining to distance language education with aim to put both instructors and learners in an advantageous position during e-learning engagement.

It is hoped that the wide and comprehensive knowledge can be applied and adapted in creating quality online language learning in this challenging time, as well as in motivating students to continue their education through online learning. That is a wrap for 2020 and we will see you next year in ICoLLT 2021!

Prepared by: Hanisah Bt Bon (Kasbon)

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