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Centre for Modern Languages Technical Staffs and Cleaners Gotong Royong

26 Jun 2020: A gotong royong by Technical Staffs and Cleaners from Centre for Modern Languages was held to replace the furniture in the lecture rooms and lecture halls.

The replacement is done because the existing furniture has been using for the teaching and learning process since UMP was known as Kolej Universiti Teknikal Malaysia (KUKTEM). The replacement of furniture involved the substitution of new chairs and tables and it is hoped to provide more comfort to students to start the new semester. Apart from that, this gotong royong also involved the process of cleaning all the lecture rooms and lecture halls as well as the collection of all broken chairs and tables in one selected place to be returned to the Department of Property Management & Development for the disposal process.

By : Jamilah Bebe Binti Mohamad dan Fathiah Izzati Binti Mohamad Fadzillah

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