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UHG1016 INTENSIVE GERMAN 1Prerequisite Subject UHG1003 German 1 & UHG1013 German 2 UHG1003 German 1 & UHG1013 German 2 Synopsis This course is designed as a platform for students to enable them to sit for the TELC B1 test. Students are exposed to various situations where they have to understand the main points of clear and standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered at work, school, leisure etc. They also need to learn how to deal with common situations likely to arise while travelling in areas where the language is spoken. The students are guided to produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest, and describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. At the end of semester, the students should be able to understand, produce and describe their ideas, hopes, explanations as in the B1 level of language competencies. This course is designed as a platform for students to enable them to sit for the TELC B1 test. Students are exposed to various situations where they have to understand the main points of clear and standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered at work, school, leisure etc. They also need to learn how to deal with common situations likely to arise while travelling in areas where the language is spoken. The students are guided to produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest, and describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. At the end of semester, the students should be able to understand, produce and describe their ideas, hopes, explanations as in the B1 level of language competencies. Course outcomes CO1 Read and understand articles and advertisements in every day newspaper. CO2 Listen and understand every day level radio interviews and shows. CO3 Write personal and official letters and emails of up to 150 words. CO4 Discuss personal opinions and plan a task such as a trip. CO1 Read and understand articles and advertisements in every day newspaper. CO2 Listen and understand every day level radio interviews and shows. CO3 Write personal and official letters and emails of up to 150 words. CO4 Discuss personal opinions and plan a task such as a trip. References Aspekte neu B1 plus: Mittelstufe Deutsch. Lehr-und Arbeitsbush mit Audio-CD, Teil 1 (Aspekte neu / Mittelstufe Deutsch) Prüfungstraining DaF: B1 - Zertifikat Deutsch / telc Deutsch B1: Übungsbuch mit CD und CD-ROM Taschenbuch – 1. August 2013 Schritte plus Neu 5: Deutsch als Zweitsprache für Alltag und Beruf / Kursbuch + Arbeitsbuch + CD zum Arbeitsbuch Sondereinband – 1. August 2017 Aspekte neu B1 plus: Mittelstufe Deutsch. Lehr-und Arbeitsbush mit Audio-CD, Teil 1 (Aspekte neu / Mittelstufe Deutsch) Prüfungstraining DaF: B1 - Zertifikat Deutsch / telc Deutsch B1: Übungsbuch mit CD und CD-ROM Taschenbuch – 1. August 2013 Schritte plus Neu 5: Deutsch als Zweitsprache für Alltag und Beruf / Kursbuch + Arbeitsbuch + CD zum Arbeitsbuch Sondereinband – 1. August 2017