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Mandarin Language Society (MLS) had successfully organized a Mandarin Language learning event named “Mentor-Mentee Mandarin Programme” from 20th March to 10th April 2021 (on every Saturday), at 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This program was held through online platform via Google Meet within the duration of 4 weeks.

The event was not only participated by the Chinese speaking students, even the non-Chinese speaking students were also participated in the event with a total number of 45 participants all together joining the Google Meet sessions. On  the last day of the event, 10th April, a quiz through Kahoot was ordered to find 12 winners which selected based on the ranking in Kahoot Quiz.

Overall, the main objective of the event to promote the importance and usage of Mandarin Language between UMP students and introduce them to the culture of both ancient and modern Chinese society was achieved. This program did receive positive feedbacks from the participants and the goals of the program were achieved.

The winners of Kahoot Quiz:

1st : Zul Amer Bin Hamdan (MA18227)

2nd: Nur Ayunie Bt Awang (AA19274)

3rd: Thulasi A/P Kumaran (KB20166)

4th: Hanis Sabrina Binti Mohd Khairul Muzammil (CC20079)

5th: Nurish Addina Khairul Mazlan (TJ20032)

6th: Nur Syafiqah Bt Zulkifly (AA19082)

7th: Aida Nabila Binti Muslimin (CC20102)

8th: Muhammad Daniel Firdaus (CC20185) 

9th: Maggestwary A/P Thannimalai (SA20126)

10th: Nur Syaqirah Binti Jamaluddin (FB18079)

11th: Nur’ Afifah bt Hussain (KB20053)

12th: Nur Saadah Najihah Binti Nur Yusup (PC18064)

Written by: Kang Mei Feng

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