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31 May - the Mandarin Language Society (MLS) of Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA), in collaboration with the Centre for Modern Languages (CML) and GIFT Education Studio, jointly organised a community service event entitled “Further Education Pathway and University Admission Guidance Programme”. The one-day event took place at UMPSA, Pekan campus and was spearheaded Kang Mei Feng, advisor of the MLS and a Mandarin teacher from CML, along with Neo Xiu Jie, a German teacher from the same centre. They welcomed three teachers and 16 secondary school students aged between 14 and 18 from SM Chong Hwa Kuantan, SMJK Hwa Lian, SMK Jerantut, SMK Temin, SMK Gudang Rasau, and SMK Tanah Puteh.

The programme aimed to provide guidance on future educational pathways for secondary school students and to give them a firsthand experience of university life at UMPSA. The primary goal was to motivate these students to engage actively in their studies and inspire them to pursue for future careers.

The event commenced with a welcoming speech delivered by Dr. Wan Jumani binti Fauzi, Head of the Foreign Languages Department from the Centre for Modern Languages (CML). Then, 11 facilitators from the Mandarin Language Society (MLS) guided the participants on a tour of the engineering faculties, specifically the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology (FTKEE) and the Faculty of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Technology (FTKMA).

During the tour, university professors, including Ts. Dr. Mohd Shafie Bakar, provided professional consultations, helping students gain a deeper understanding of the courses offered by these faculties and their future study options. Professor Ts. Dr. Mohamad Zairi Baharom from Faculty of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering (FTKMA) highlighted the modern teaching model employed by the faculty, demonstrating how students progress from concept to finished product. Furthermore, participants were able to see and learn about the practical application of 3D printing technology. Additionally, they visited the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology (FTKEE) Robocon Lab, where they observed the use of advanced robotics and automation technologies.

The event coordinators also arranged a visit to the studio room at the Centre for Modern Languages (CML) to demonstrate the university’s advanced facilities. The students then explored the beautiful library, immerse themselves in its strong learning atmosphere and extensive book collection, and enjoyed the allure of a modern learning environment. Seniors from Pengsheng Unit, UMPSA were invited to explain various options for further study, followed by a quick question-and-answer session. This not only gave students a better understanding of their future academic plans, but it also piqued their interest in pursuing higher education.
The event successfully provided participants with valuable insights into university life and educational opportunities. Guided tours, professional consultations, and interactive sessions helped students gained a better understanding of potential academic and career paths. The collaboration between MLS, CML, and GIFT Education Studio provided participants with a comprehensive and engaging experience. The day ended on a high note, with all participants expressing gratitude for the comprehensive guidance and hands-on experiences provided.

Prepared by: Kang Mei Feng and Neo Xiu Jie


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