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A singing competition was organized from 26 April until 10 May 2021 by the Mandarin Language Society (MLS).The slogan of program was ‘Sing Up Singing Competition ‘to encourage participants to demonstrate the proficiency in the Mandarin language through singing. The participants of program sent recorded videos using Google Form.

The program was participated by both Chinese and non-Chinese students.There were a total of 7 students belting out their most favourite songs. The winners were determined by counting the highest number of likes for the placement of winners and runners-up. The voting period begun on the 8th until 9th May 2021. The results are announced through MLS Facebook and Instagram on 10 May 2021.

Overall, the main objective of the Program “Sing Up Singing Competition” was achieved. This program also received a strong response, and the goals of the program were met. We hope to organize similar events in the future.

The winners are :

1st prize : Nazian Tai Jee Yen (SB18077) & Nur Saadah Najihah (PC18064)
2nd prize : Lee Yun Shuang (EB19036) & Tan Diken (EB19069)
3rd prize : Grace Lee Ern Huey (EB19064)


Written by: Kang Mei Feng
Edited by: Arulselvi A/P Uthayakumaran