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CInTeLL 2021

26 August 2021. Centre for Modern Languages (CML), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Malaysia, has successfully organised the 2nd CInTeLL (Creative and Innovative Teaching and Learning of Language) via Zoom. This year, CInTeLL 2021 focused on four emerging themes, namely, Online Learner Engagement (OLE), Transformative Language Learning and Teaching Strategies (TLLTS), Technology-Enhanced Language Learning and Teaching (TELLT), and Language Curriculum Development (LCD). 

The event was kicked off by Assosiate Professor Dr Nik Aloesnita binti Nik Mohd Alwi, Dean of CML citing that the pandemic has a significant influence in the rapid growth of online learning, thus, it is incumbent upon all of us here to explore its full potential. She emphasised that, “CInTELL is one of the avenues to showcase innovative pedagogies and instructions crafted by the language practitioners to create new, more effective approaches of educating language learners online.” Associate Professor Dr Ainol Haryati binti Ibrahim, the Director of ICoLLT and CInTELL 2021, seconded Associate Professor Dr Nik Aloesnita binti Nik Mohd Alwi by affirming that the event had embarked educators into a whole new dimension of participation departing from the need of being psychically present to exchange ideas and notions within the field virtually.

It was an exciting day for all presenters. Each presenter was bursting with pride while enthusiastically sharing the adaptations of educational theories and frameworks in creating digital content. All presenters took it a notch higher by designing interesting and stimulating virtual activities using various web tools such as Microsoft Teams, Jamboard, Padlet, Flipgrid, and ClassDojo. In the end, out of a total of nine presenters, seven presenters were awarded with Gold Medals and three of the Gold Medallists are from CML, UMP while another two presenters were awarded with Bronze Medals.

Through the sharing of extensive knowledge and experience from language educators and practitioners alike, it is hoped that CInTeLL 2021 has nurtured a lifelong passion for learning and yearning to explore new technologies and innovations in teaching and learning.

Congratulations and well done to all the winners! 

Prepared by: Siti Ainun Jariyah Hassan, Arulselvi Uthayakumaran & Nabila Abdul Malek